Thursday 11 July 2019

Perpetual journal.

 The weather is warm and heavy. No rain for several weeks so the veg gardening is suffering, but lots of flowers in the fields, verges and garden. I decided to make my perpetual journal into 2 books from Jan- June and July-Dec. So I have stitched together and bound the first volume (not very professionally but it is only for me!) Now I have cut the next leaves and started on the July pages.
These poppies self seed themselves all over the garden. They are large and gorgeous. The heads as beautiful as the flowers.In the studio I am having a massive clear out and tidy up because I have a break in work now the exhibition at Quenington is finished. I really miss stitching but it has to be done now and tidying and chucking out is very satisfying.


  1. your meadow cranesbill is a beauty & poppies always bring a smile, once spent a whole day drawing a poppy opening from bursting bud to fully open bloom.

    1. It is that time of year here, where everything is flowering, the poppies have been amazing this year.

  2. I love this sketch journal and I am embarrassed that I haven't started mine yet. "If wishes were horses..." I have been snowed under with workshops this summer and this will be my last year bar one workshop. Maybe next year. In the meanwhile, I will thoroughly enjoy yours!!

  3. Thank you Beth. Teaching takes all your energy I know from experience, so maybe next year? I like the idea of slowly accruing observations over the years and having them in one book to return to. I am trying to do one a week at least but it doesn't matter if I don't.
