Tuesday 16 July 2019


 Betony added to the perpetual journal. Photographed in an empty studio. We have now got to the painting of the walls stage. But we did take a morning off to have a walk at Westonbirt Aboretum and enjoy the trees, wild flowers and butterflies. Marbled Whites liked the Betony. A new flower for me so good to draw and learn. It was a great medicinal herb. Back to the decorating now.


  1. Every time I see your plant journal, I want to start one....soon. I love your sketches.

    1. Thank you and i will look forward to yours.

  2. Replies
    1. Not my meadow garden, it's at the Aboretum, I wish our wild bit of the garden was that colourful but we did have some common orchids.

  3. c est très intéressant!

  4. I'm not familiar with betony; it's a lovely wildflower so thank you for the introduction. Catching up with your posts (recovering from knee surgery), I so enjoyed seeing the completed veg garden. And your perpetual journal is great; how lovely to have the red poppies in abundance.

    1. Oh I hope your knee recovers well.The betony was new to me too and the perpetual journal is great for recording and remembering these new wild flowers.
