Sunday 7 July 2019

veg plot framed and the Rococo Gardens at Painswick.

 The computer has had a massive overhaul and is all better! So normal service is resumed, if only humans could be mended as easily. Above is the veg plot in its splendid box frame ready for Grow Your Own at the Guild next month.Below are pictures of the Rococo Gardens at Painswick. Today is the last day over at Quenington and if you enjoyed that, you will love this garden complete with garden buildings, maze and pigeon house. It is a huge garden set in a valley with sculpture trail for this summer. If you can't get there here are some pictures to give you a flavour.


  1. The veggie plot looks quite secure in it's shadow box frame. Those gardens are wonderful and I wish I could stop and see them. I guess the photos will just have to do. Thanks for that!!!

  2. that last photo is so inviting and intriguing & your vegetable garden looks perfect framed for the 'Grow your Own' exhibition there.

    1. The 'Grow your Own' ex is in Cheltenham but those gardens are amazing and very eccentric with all the rococo follies to explore, kitchen garden, maze and woodland. More photos if you are interested on Instagram #painswickrococgardens.
