Wednesday 17 April 2019

All yellow

 If you remember my winter field book, I drew the oil seed rape in leaf (looking like cabbage.)
 Now it is in flower and the enormous field has turned bright yellow - a rather acid yellow actually and bad for hay fever sufferers. A long time ago my husband kept bees and the honey they made with this turned solid almost immediately so not wonderful but abundant. Last year this field was barley so this is part of the crop rotation.
 I have been playing with patchwork fields for cards for the exhibition.
Just painted the border for this piece that I stitched last year but never finished. The sunlight on the loops cast wonderful shadows.
Happy Easter to one and all! I shall be away from her for a bit over the holidays. Thanks as always for reading my blog and leaving your comments.


  1. I like the card idea!. Have a wonderful holiday.

  2. love seeing the beautiful colours and textures of your corner of the world through the seasons

    1. Ditto. Spring has sprung here and I saw my first swallows on Tuesday.

  3. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I continue to be so inspired by your work, Louise. The loop shadows are just lovely; isn't it wonderful how the stitching interacts with light and shadow?

    1. Thank you and no broken record for me. I am always so amazed and delighted that people read this blog and are inspired. Thank you for commenting.
