Sunday 14 April 2019

Field map finished.

 This has taken a whole month of concentrated stitching. It was still Winter when I started it so the colours changed to greens as the Spring arrived. It had ended up much busier than I first intended but very personal. With all those hours of stitching you can't but help weave your life into the story.

 The textures became mesmerizing as the grey fabric became ridges and furrows. (a lesson in voiding and looking at the unused space)
The skylark above the field singing it's heart out and watching over the field. 
If you want the whole story of it's development click on the label - field map.


  1. That is really a lovely piece of work and I know what you mean about putting your life into it. The skylark really brought it home. Is that red square a gate?

    1. Thanks Beth. The red square is an old ruined bard. An interesting site for wildlife.

  2. Ahhhh that badger in the corner :-) !
    (and your sweet birds of course)

  3. love the multiple perspectives!

    1. Thanks Mo. There is going to be a T.V. program, it begins this week, about life on earth taken from aerial views - should be interesting.

  4. What a wonderful, hand felt and heart felt piece of work. My eyes keep wandering up and along and across and imagine walking through here, knowing that some of these folk (badger, skylark) would accompany me, or be spied, if I wandered through it in person. A remarkable evocation! Go well.

    1. Oh thank you Fiona! How lovely to know that you understood and walked in this piece too. Much love to you, I do love your blog.
