Thursday 25 April 2019

Catching up.

A few things to share with you; two bird stories over the holidays - A perfect blue tits nest but a sad story because the bird died before it could complete it.
 A racing pigeon called in for an overnight stop over before continuing its journey. B&B here for birds now?
 Bluebell woods at Westonbirt just coming into flower.
 Tiny white stars of wood anemones beside a path through the woods.
And I am stitching the loop piece onto its background. This is going to stay simple and abstract. Inspired by crop growth in the field, stripes of light and dark with opposite light and dark stitches.


  1. Love the woodlands and the bird stories. I've written a blog post inspired by one of your here

    1. Thank you Beth- got you now on my blog list! Lovely reminiscence. I was brought up in a dynasty of professional stitchers. Watched Phantom Thread last night which brought back memories of the work room my grandmother ran - but not on such a grand scale and hopefully not so obsessive! Lovely frocks.

  2. such a beautiful nest and sleek racer, love seeing your woodland in flower and the beautiful stitching

    1. Yes Spring is now in full flower here so you must be seeing signs of Autumn. The seasons they go round and round as Joni Mitchell sang.

  3. The nest is a beauty but indeed sad about the bird. I have a book about Westonbirt; how wonderful for you to be so close.

    1. We are very lucky and my husband volunteers there so we are frequent visitors.
