Friday 1 May 2020

Perpetual Journal April 2020

 Happy May Day to you all! Here are my pages from my perpetual journal (that is a nature diary you add to year on year)  for April. I have had a little more time for drawing and am making the most of my journal. It is so interesting to compare the notes from last year. At first things seemed early but now we seem to be on the same page for blossom and butterflies etc. The Guild has had to postpone the Rodmarton Exhibition to Sept 2021, not surprisingly, so no work deadlines for me for a while!

 I finished the turquoise circle in a square. It is called ' lark song spirals from the heart of the field'. It is 19cm square. I have it in mind to make a series of small pieces in the same fabric that will stay smallish and hang directly on the wall. Lastly I will leave you with one of my neighbours cattle, up close and inquisitive, Because it makes me smile every time. Hope you can find the energy and good spirits to dance around a maypole today- metaphorical or otherwise!


  1. I love your perpetual journal. I am "attempting" to keep up with you a bit this year. Spring has been so slow and I've been impatient! LOVE the cows.

  2. love seeing your seasons as they go round and round!

    1. Thank you Mo - they do go round and round as Joni Mitchel says.

  3. A perpetual journal is particularly special this year - comparing from one to the next. Seeing that in amongst all the difference that some things return, and remain almost the same. The regular rhythm of nature is a balm.

    1. I love doing this and comparing what is in flower year to year.
