Thursday 14 May 2020

cow parsley in stitch.

Well the weeks go by with much the same routine. lockdown is loosening a little but for us older people, much the same and fearing a second spike we won't be out that much where there are people about. Having our food and other stuff delivered or collecting it from outside the stores.
 Working on this piece at the moment. I seem awfully good at starting new pieces and hopeless at finishing them so want to get this one completed.
 Below is the other cover of the butterfly concertina book.

 This is me on my birthday with cake and sun hat tells you it was hot.
 Ending with a shot of dandelions from one of our daily walks.


  1. Love the delicacy of this piece and it's so comforting to know I am not the only one who starts things but has trouble finishing them. Your birthday cup cakes look grand!!!

  2. Happy Birthday season ... may your days be sunny and cool ... and may you be well

  3. Best Wishes for many more happy returns & wow! your cow parsley is such a beauty!

  4. Happy Birthday! Cow parsley and butterflies....all gorgeous.
