Wednesday 25 July 2018

Hare in the field - sketchbook diary story.

This is a new piece of work for the next exhibition at Rodmarton in Sept. I decided to make some small diary/sketchbook pieces to sell unframed and stay affordable. So my idea was to record a special moment - take an image, colour, texture, idea, fabric, stitch ( just 2 or 3 of those) to celebrate that moment. This one is 17th July- out on a walk we saw a hare in a field, first time in years. The grass is parched, the path strewn with tiny white trumpets of bindweed (convolvulus) and lots of small white butterflies. That is the story. There is always a story.


  1. What a lovely post - and a delightfully simple idea.

    Staying affordable is always an issue. I’m taking part in Swindon Open Studios towards the end of September and am working on a group of small but rather haphazard pieces with limited stitch. Because they are random, just single trees or very small groups that I especially like, the are much less focused than yours. It’s a very clever approach, giving them an entity as a whole.

    1. Thanks - selling work is always a problem- pricing always impossible as the time taken is so enormous and then there is the gallery or exhibition commission on top of framing etc. I always say to myself I enjoy it and want to do it anyway.
