Saturday 28 July 2018

Field Scabious.

This is the second piece in this diary/sketchbook series. 23rd July - yoga on the common, my green and turquoise mat, heat, Field Scabious, wind through the dried grasses, grass baked crisp.
 2 layers of fabric- outer painted with dyes, inner painted white and printed side panel. I drew the flower. Hand stitched.

 I used the drawings I made in July 2 years ago as reference.


  1. (((Louise))) gosh this works, a favourite flower beautifully rendered!

  2. A wonderful piece made even better with the sketchbook back story. The complementary colors and simple lines soothe the eye.

  3. Beautiful watercolours complemented by lovely delicate stitch. The scabious is one of my favourite wild flowers of country meadows. What a pleasure to see!

  4. Thanks to you all. The scabious is very beautiful and one of my favourites too.
