Thursday 24 May 2018

Holiday part 2.

 The cottage we stayed in was very close to Charleston, home to the Bloomsbury group. Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant decorated everything at Charleston, walls, furniture, doors etc. etc. They also decorated this church at Berwick.

 This is Virginia Woolfs bedroom at Monk's House. It had a lovely peaceful feeling in the house and garden. ( Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell were sisters and they lived just 4 miles apart)
This is her writing room, a garden shed with views of the downs.(Through glass )
Charleston from the garden ( no photos allowed in the house) I have wanted to go there for years and it was a real wow! Very inspired by the lovely bright colours and loose painting styles.
A picture of me, on the right with 2 of my sisters in the garden at Monk's House.


  1. These photos are wonderful ... thank you for sharing your world here

  2. such a beautiful peaceful place and love seeing the photo of you and your sisters!

    1. A family get together is very special when it doesn't happen very often.
