Monday 28 May 2018

Summer pictures and Mo's pennant.

 The exhibition in Bristol is finished and was a great success. I sold Winter into Spring and two of the little sketchbooks, Winter and Spring. These two summer pieces have gone to the Guild at 51 in Cheltenham. ( Summer flowers and the Summer Book.

 I am now working on Mo's pennant. I painted the long thin triangular piece, called Mending the Sky and embroidered the first bird, an oystercatcher. This is a piece that will fly off to Australia to be part of a wonderful installation - see the label below and look at Mo Crows blog to find out more. Pennants are winging their way from all over the world!


  1. So glad you are enabling us to look over your shoulder as you create a pennant for Mo ...

  2. (((Louise))) Mending the Sky is such a beautiful dream !

  3. What a lovely thing to be part of!

    The oystercatcher is lovely. This bird has a special resonance for me. We visit a lovely part of eastern Scotland regularly and always hear them calling overhead. When I hear them down south, their sound always transports me to Deeside - and brings a rush of pleasure!
