Tuesday 13 February 2018

Exhibition postcard.

Three weeks to hanging day- don't panic! What will be, will be. After getting my work off to the framer I have felt so tired and been sleeping like a dormouse. The fuel tank feels empty but I know if I rest it will all get better. It feels like the old M.E. symptoms of tiredness and muscle aches. I think it is just the cycle of creative energy followed by a feeling of lethargy- like winter after summer maybe? Just quietly want to finish the summer book and make some photo cards if nothing else. Oh and sleep a lot. Do other artists experience these waves? 


  1. Yikes, three weeks out from the show? sleep as much as you can for the next couple of days & give yourself some treats for having this milestone (or millstone depending on how you look at it) of getting the work off to the framers in time but once you have recharged there is still a lot to do, not least getting a good haircut and frock for the opening!

  2. The postcard looks most inviting. Enjoy you rest, so much deserved I’m sure.
