Monday 19 February 2018

Embroidered buttons.

 In bed last week with a virus of some kind, temperatures and tiredness. Still a bit weak and wobbly but I did manage a few embroidered buttons for the exhibition. The National Trust are following a suffragette theme this year to celebrate 1918 when some women were granted the vote.( you had to be over 30 and own property)We were asked to exhibit something to mark the occasion and so we are having a few things on the theme of suffrage. I looked at lapel brooches made at the time. The British women used the 3 colours- white for purity, green for hope, renewal and strength and purple for courage, dignity and loyalty to the cause. The blue button is one I made last year with stitchwort on. The new ones are daisies also a symbol of purity and a pansy which stands for thoughts in the language of flowers. I plan to make some more- a violet for purple and faithfulness and something green for strength- leaves perhaps or an acorn?
And here is Haggis who came to stay last week while his folks went skiing. We did have walks but he was a faithful bedside companion most of the time. Perhaps he should get a purple badge?