Thursday 19 March 2020

Meditation cloth and local observations.

 Difficult to know what to say in these worrying times. I am at home with all the family. I hope you are safe and well and managing it all. I am doing a bit of work on the circles cloth- good for calming.
 We are so lucky to be able to walk everyday in the countryside and observe the spring coming in. These are tiny wild strawberries in a lane wall.
 Sunshine on lichen. Yes we had some sunny spring days (but now it is back to drizzle.) Super colour and textures.
 Lastly the greylag geese are more visible by the local lake as they nest. They like to graze the fields and fly over early morning with their wonderful honking noise.Keep well everyone. I am posting everyday on Instagram because it is quick and easy. xxx


  1. Thanks for the pick-me-up. We CAN still enjoy nature!!

  2. The circles cloth is beautiful - and so lovely to see. Funnily enough, I'm also playing a bit with the power of circles, for some new work. They are extraordinarily satisfying and calming to stitch.
    We all need a calm space right now and some means of gentle escape from the unending difficult news.
    Stay well and safe. Margaret

  3. Hello, Louise. I haven't been able to check in for a bit. Your lovely work is always an inspiration; I'm especially intrigued by the developing meditation cloth. And isn't that lichen fabulous? Hope all continues to be well with you and your family.

  4. thank you for sharing your quiet stitching and peaceful corner of our beautiful broken world
