Wednesday 25 March 2020

pictures from the lanes.

 We are now in lockdown in the U.K. We are only allowed to leave our homes to go for food shopping or medicines. But we can go for a walk everyday and we are so lucky to be able to step outside into the countryside. Lots in blossom and the weather is gorgeous so counting our blessings.
 My 2 grown up children are working from home so this house will be busy. Alan is busy in the garden, lots of work to do there.Busy planting and tidying. Love to all, stay safe and busy. xxx

Thursday 19 March 2020

Meditation cloth and local observations.

 Difficult to know what to say in these worrying times. I am at home with all the family. I hope you are safe and well and managing it all. I am doing a bit of work on the circles cloth- good for calming.
 We are so lucky to be able to walk everyday in the countryside and observe the spring coming in. These are tiny wild strawberries in a lane wall.
 Sunshine on lichen. Yes we had some sunny spring days (but now it is back to drizzle.) Super colour and textures.
 Lastly the greylag geese are more visible by the local lake as they nest. They like to graze the fields and fly over early morning with their wonderful honking noise.Keep well everyone. I am posting everyday on Instagram because it is quick and easy. xxx

Friday 6 March 2020

Fox embroidery.

 We have been getting lovely videos of a fox at the top of the garden on our wildlife camera. All black and white of course at night but wonderful to know that he or she passes through regularly along with other wildlife ( some of which I am keeping quiet) Si istarted this piece mid Jan and finished it this week.
 Here are so close ups and the whole thing. It is not a large piece but lots of texture and landscape to fit a fox on the prowl.
 My theme for the exhibition at Rodmarton in Sept is 'The Lie of the Land'  so I am thinking and working towards that. Hoping in these worrying times that you are all well. I am taking part in Meet the Maker over on Instagram if you want to see and learn more about my practise.