Friday 14 February 2020

Westonbirt Aboretum Feb 12th

 Not much progress stitching this week because I have not been well. Instead the blue skies on Weds over the Aboretum and a rhododendron in flower. Everything is early this year despite the gales. In between two at the moment. So this the calm between storms. Two more birds for the journal - sparrow and bullfinch.


  1. The bullfinch looks wonderful especially amongst the willow catkins.

  2. love your bullfinch & sparrow renderings, sparrows disappeared here in the city around the turn of the century, they still live on the outskirts but the Indian Mynahs, an introduced species have taken over the small birds' territories, I miss them!

  3. Yes sparrows disappeared from our cities too. perhaps no nesting sites. They live in the eaves of our row of cottages. It is sad that so many species are going. I suspect the mynahs are larger and more agressive.

  4. As always your drawings are exquisite! We've had almost no bullfinches this year - and no sparrows since we moved to this house ten years ago, despite having lots at our previous house only 3 miles away. I wonder why?

  5. I hope your are feeling better now Louise and were able to grab some more moments of sunshine in between storms. Blogger is playing nicely again and letting me comment - hooray!

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