Monday 28 October 2019

Card making and autumn colour at Westonbirt Aboretum.

I have finished all the recipe book illustrations so I am card making. That means I get out the box where I put all the unfinished bits of embroidery and samples and make them into cards. I sell them in the Guild at fiftyone for £10 each. Steep for a card but if someone framed them, excellent value for a little picture. They also fill that gap between sending someone a present or a card. A bit more special and you can put them in the post. They need a bit of finishing off and presenting nicely so I find something good on the radio to listen to and buckle down.
 We have had our first frost but yesterday was spectacular at Westonbirt Aboretum. We went early - the hour change helped. By the time we left there were queques to get in - everyone else had the same idea. The car tail back on the road went on for a couple of miles. These berries above will feature in the perpetual journal. Liz Brooke-Ward was showing her amazing embroidery in the oak hall. If you don't know her work, look up~ mylittledoglovesme~ on Instagram.


  1. If it is still available, can I buy your owl card? I can play extra for the postage to the US. I did look Liz up and instagram and I am following. I love insects!

    1. As you can see from my new post the bird is a merlin rather than an owl. Let me know if you still want it.

  2. your cards are beautiful & what are those extraordinary berries, have never seen that plant!

    1. Most spectacular with its bright green leaves and bright blue berries with pink petals. See new post for name.
