Saturday 7 September 2019

Cake in fabric and thread and Rowan.

 I have a commission to do the illustrations for a community recipe book for our village cafe. Most will be drawings in black and white but I wanted to do some in fabric because that is actually easier for me than the drawing. Colour does help with cake illustrations! The village cafe is open on Tuesday mornings and run by volunteers in the Social Club. The idea was to combat loneliness and isolation in a small rural community without many buses. It has also helped to introduce newcomers to the village and be a hub for village life. Book swaps, garden produce swaps, knit and natter, workshops, recycling have also developed at the cafe. It has been a huge sucess and the cake recipe book hope to celebrate a year of opening( In November) You can only have a recipe in the book if it has been at the cafe and requested by a customer. So I am very glad to say I will have a recipe included. More of that another time.
 This week has been our daughter Rowan's fortieth birthday. Here she is on a birthday walk by the boathouse at Woodchester mansion N.T. Below is the card I made her from her Rowan tree in our garden. The colour is just beginning to turn.


  1. Happy Birthday Rowen. Lovely name. I do hope to hear more about the cafe in the future as well as the cook book. I think learning about life in other places is fascinating. I too live in a small town on the coast of Maine. I love learning how people build community which was the topic of my Masters thesis.

    1. Well that is interesting and I will definitely keep posting about the cafe and book.

  2. Rowen outside the old building, beautiful. I love your work.

  3. The café is such a wonderful idea to encourage your small community; so glad that it's been such a success. Good ideas take a lot of commitment to make them work. How special that you will do illustrations and by all means including fabric. Rowan looks as pretty as her name.
