Saturday 3 August 2019

Rosebay or fireweed. Meditation circle.

 Here is the Rosebay Willowherb we were discussing. Such beautiful bright pink spikes. I have stitched it lots of times.
 I have gone back to my meditation piece to add the colours of summer. I have also made my border outline of a square.

Yesterday I put in blue sky and pink rosebay colours. It begins in the centre with winter colours and comes into spring greens. By the outside it will be Autumn and back to Winter for the border. Well that is the plan. These first 2 weeks of August are called dog days and the season does hang on the cusp at the moment. The fields are shorn and the sultriness pervades like time has stopped. First signs are peeping in like the brown withered seeds of the docks and the first thistles setting. There were goldfinch feeding on the thistle seed.


  1. Just looked it up. We do have fireweed but the blossoms are yellow. It is growing outside my door. We also have willow herb which is what you have pictured. Either I have never seen it or it isn't here in sufficient quantities for me to notice it.It's very beautiful.

    1. Yes it is a willow herb and we have at least 2 kinds here the rosebay and the lesser. Both gorgeous spots of pink in the landscape.

  2. your meditation cloth is such a gentle, calming piece ... and the bounding of it feels just right

    I especially like the soft hills and valleys that have formed around your stitches ...

    1. Thanks Liz. I have used an old bit of cream silk which is really soft and it is a pleasure to stitch into.

  3. Your meditation circle is wonderful and makes me yearn to pick up my needle and thread; I'm envisioning that it would be a calming piece to work on. And yes on the fireweed; it's said to grow well in areas where there has been a fire. I have read that it grew abundantly in devastated areas of London following the war.

    1. It is a simple and calming piece to work on and all you need is some fabric and a compass to make the circle. Do make one. I have put a short video on Instagram.

  4. Replies
    1. and so simple. That is why it is so calming to do. Thank you Mo.
