Monday 19 August 2019

Been to the seaside.

 Been away in Norfolk visiting family with our family. My daughter on the beach.
Glowering skies over the beach. Caught up with all my sisters and much fun was had with my little great neice especially on the beach! Back in the studio when I have caught up with the washing. I miss stitching when I am away- must be a 'stitchaholic'.


  1. There is something so restorative about the ocean.

    1. yes you are so right. Rather busy there because it was a lovely day after a few wet days and it is the school holidays. Still lovely and the sand just right for sand castles!

  2. Replies
    1. Yes and it passed us by without a drop of rain but further down the coast must have had a downpour. Typical of flat Norfolk where it is low horizon and lots of sky, the opposite to here with our valleys and hills.

  3. So glad you had a wonderful time. The sky pictures are both beautiful in different ways.

    1. Big skies in Norfolk and on the coast they can change quickly.
