Thursday 4 April 2019

Field map and no thread stitching.

 I am trying to be single-minded about getting this work finished for Quenington in June. I hope to have 10 pieces finished by Easter and I am very nearly there. So it is eyes down for this field map and progress is made. I made some more stitch lines for the furrows in the field. Some of that silk already had lines ( it is a piece of old parachute silk) I call this no thread stitching. I use the sewing machine to leave a trail of holes.
 Couln't resist experimenting with this this on paper (right) and fabric left. The holes only stay in fabric that is closely woven (calico) and I stiffened it with gesso too. I rubbed the surface with a soft gold waxy polish- rather like a shoe polish or soft oil pastel to make the holes stand out. Interesting? Could be useful in the future.
But back to the field- I am enjoying stitching this - through rain,hail, frost and snow this week and the plum tree is just about to blossom.......


  1. I love the punctures. Reminds me of my first exposure to sewing as n 11 year old.
