Friday 4 January 2019

Perpetual journal and daily drawing.

Happy New Year to you all! -So the desk was tidied ( this is as good as it gets folks) and the new perpetual journal begun. I have just made a few signatures - cutting paper ( now got a sore wrist!) various weights, stitching a few together and putting dates on a few. Glad I didn't make the whole thing because cartridge paper is not thick enough if you use paint, so will intersperse with thicker water colour paper.
 I keep typing perpetual journey rather than journal and I guess that is what drawing is. My aim is to draw every day for January, but I am not one for New Years Resolutions - why beat yourself up? The journal is happy with once a week because the idea is to draw on the same page next year and end up with plants etc around at that time of the year - improving your drawing and learning as you go along.
 These two specimens came from Westonbirt Aboretum and are foreigners. Witch hazel, Hamamelis and acer seed heads from a Nikko Maple. I really intend to draw from local flora, fauna and maybe some birds too. We also went to Slimbridge WWT over the holidays - yes 2 of our favourite places.
As well as a Nature Journal I have begun a landscape sketchbook. I have gotten very interested in a long thin strip of skyline for drawing and embroidery. Where the land meets the sky. We humans always look to the skyline wondering about the weather or whats over the next ridge or just to stand and stare. It's a contemplation then and looking for a sign of hope?

1 comment:

  1. (((Louise))) your observations are beautiful, love the thought of returning to the same page each year with more observations, brilliant!
