Thursday 10 January 2019

Hedgerow Harvest finished.

I started this piece- Hedgerow Harvest at the beginning of Nov and finished it this week.(Jan- so that is two and a half months, off and on) It is 56cm x 8cm. This is a close up of a fieldfare to feast on the berries.
 I have photographed here in 2 halves- the whole thing is now my banner. You can click on the label below to see how it developed. I have suggested a little patchwork of fields and landscape behind the motifs but I felt too much distracted from the berries etc. Interesting that on Instagram it has been my best liked piece so far.


  1. I really love this piece and the bit of woven embroidery in the background really works well with the entire piece.

    1. Thank you Beth I did intend initially to stitch more colours into the those loosely woven scrim pieces but it was too distracting. They do work as a rough texture in the background landscape and I am using the same idea in another piece.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Mo. The gathering at your house is wonderful!

  3. This is lovely! The colours are luscious and the whole thing makes a lovely banner.

    1. Thank you it will be at Quenington in June if you want to see it.( see side banner for more info)
