Wednesday 28 November 2018

Meditation and Stitch.

I want to keep notes on this new piece and how it develops but if you are signed up for Susi and Kays second workshop best not to read this so you can do all the tasks for yourself with a clear mind.
So I did start again on a larger piece of cloth with different colours. I have begun with Winter colours because this will be the heart of the piece. I should explain - on the Meditation and Stitch workshop we were given short meditations and tasks. One was to think about the word FLOW and write down associated word and symbols to go with it. Because I am working on my project of The Enormous Field I associated FLOW with Natures life cycle, seasons, the flow of growth and death etc. I decided to make my circles have breaks in them because of the ebb being naturally integral to the flow. If its a large piece you need more than one stitch, for interest. When I first started I had drawn little arrows on my lines but I dispensed with those when I started stitching. I also had to choose whether to continue on one large circle or lots of smaller ones. All the choices you need to make when you start a piece of embroidery! But like Kays advice - you just have to start. I am stitching this slowly and quietly, thinking about my theme and letting the rhythm of the piece carry me.


  1. interesting to see where this meditation will take you

  2. Calmly in circles I think! But No it is very soothing to pick up and put down and to contemplate the changes of the season and the cycle of life.

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  4. I really admire your work very much. Like you I love working/stitching circles. I also like to meditate, to me circles represent meditation. Cant wait to see more of this lovely circle. Alone or with smaller circles. I am sure it will be exquisite!

    1. Lovely to hear from you- my progress is slow but I will keep updating on the meditation circle. I reach for it to stitch for a quiet peaceful calm.
