Saturday 27 October 2018

Westonbirt Aboretum- Autumn Colour.

 This morning we have had quite a severe frost but last Wednesday was beautiful and we made our pilgrimage to Westonbirt to be awed by the Autumn colours. Enjoy, especially if you can't get out much at the moment. Just imagine it. Forest bathing is now the new trendy phrase for absorbing the beauty, smells and relaxing time. Apparently it has been proved to be good for you, but we have always known that haven't we?


  1. What a wonderful phrase ‘forest bathing’!
    Up here in Scotland absorbing the beauty of the mountains - is that ‘mountain bathing’? It certainly always leaves me refreshed and at peace so I know it’s good for me.

    1. The trees give off chemicals that are good for you apparently as well as the relaxing qualities of a walk among trees. Yes i am sure mountains gazing is similar although it looks as if you have snow as well so wrap up warm. It is white here this morning- severe frost. Back to scraping car windscreens! Luckily we don't have to go out early in the mornings any more!
