Wednesday 31 October 2018

Autumnal walk in the Enormous field - in progress.

 So back to this piece that I began in September before my holiday. I drew in some brambles to create a foreground.
 I really was going to keep the colours very muted, black white and brown, but it seemed very dull.
 So colour crept in! It is a mixture of hand and machine embroidery. Lots more to stitch.
Detail of blackberries now very much over but this remember this was started in September, leaves turning, misty mornings and fruitfulness.

Monday 29 October 2018

Westobirt Aboretum - another day.

 Return visit to the Aboretum. Yesterday was very sunny and the autumn leaves backlit were stunning. This time we went to Silk Wood. The other pictures were taken in the older part of the Aboretum. Plenty of people admiring the sights and doing some forest bathing too!

I couldn't help collecting some of the leaves they are so beautiful.

Saturday 27 October 2018

Westonbirt Aboretum- Autumn Colour.

 This morning we have had quite a severe frost but last Wednesday was beautiful and we made our pilgrimage to Westonbirt to be awed by the Autumn colours. Enjoy, especially if you can't get out much at the moment. Just imagine it. Forest bathing is now the new trendy phrase for absorbing the beauty, smells and relaxing time. Apparently it has been proved to be good for you, but we have always known that haven't we?

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Tiny landscapes continued.

 Two more of those tiny autumnal landscapes. They are for cards to take to the gallery- Guild at 51, Cheltenham, tomorrow. Yesterday I did my accounts. I was quite pleased with my embroidery income until I did my expenses and realised they added up to about the same amount! Well I have always said there is no money to be made in this game but I just love to do it. Cards always sell and help to cover a few costs. You might think they are quick to do at just a few cms big but no, still seem to take ages! Ho hum, that's just the way it is.

A serene Autumnal walk to Cherington lake- a local beauty spot, before I sat down to do the Maths.

Monday 22 October 2018

Tiny landscapes.

 We have had misty mornings and then bright sunshine for amazing autumn colour. I have been working on a few tiny landscapes as a beginning for my new project on local landscape.
 These are on paper- the bottom one tissue paper over watercolour paper.
 This misty one on fabric, painted calico and machine embroidery.
 We had a beautiful day out at Lacock Abbey ( National Trust) on Friday. This is a tulip tree in the walled garden.
 Leaves - to see the tulip shape. Wonderful colours in the bright sunshine and against the blue, blue sky.
Lacock village in Wiltshire is very picturesque. It has been used in a lot of films, costume drama and Harry Potter. Whenever an unspoilt country village is needed for a film! This is inside the tithe barn, the sunshine streaming in through the windows.  I bought some beautiful chrysanthemums from a cottage door step, all the colours of autumn.

Thursday 18 October 2018

Embroidered Skomer sketchbook page finished!

 At last the whole piece is finished. I have been working on the left side this week.
I put in some more sea chamomile and the puffin head,top left, that balances the bottom right work. The piece measures 40x30cms. Whew! Summer is definitely over then. Bring on the Autumn colour! Now I can start work on my next project.

Friday 12 October 2018

Skomer- puffins- continued.

 The little book cover finished! So now I am working on the picture that I left half done last year. There were other dead lines to keep and I like this so much it takes courage to work on it further. Still I am determined to finish it. This is the right hand side.

 Details of the puffin in the grasses. Working on the left hand side today.
And the Autumn colours developing in the garden. This is my studio view. ( well yesterday in the sunshine!) I am so lucky.

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Concertina book on Skomer.

 The front cover puffin is stitched and the pages finished on one side.

I am reliving this holiday and it is very sunny at the moment which helps because we had a really lovely day when we went to Skomer.

Sunday 7 October 2018

Back to the puffins!

 It was a whole year ago that I started work on a concertina sketchbook and a piece of work about our trip to Skomer. So I am determined to finish it! Below are the covers of the little book.

This was the initial sketchbook page. I have been revisiting our lovely photos of the day. Started stitching the puffin head. You have to be happy with a puffin on your worktable! Follow the labels if you want to see the work I did last year. Still quite a bit to finish.

Thursday 4 October 2018

A little rook business.

A  couple more small pieces finished this week- this rook (seen at Slimbridge WWT poking amongst stones for insects)
 and a very colourful applique patch with kantha stitching.

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Mending the sky- finished!

 At last I finished it and got it into the post to Australia for Mo to join the great gathering.
On the back I stitched its title and 'love is the answer'. My sky is full of birds as I wish our skies could truly be, full of diverse species in large numbers.
Back from holiday, I am on a mission this week to finish a few older pieces so I can start my new theme with a clear pin board!

Monday 1 October 2018

Holiday in St Ives.

 Just got back from our wonderful holiday in St Ives. Our holiday house was just a few minutes away from the harbour.
 We had rough weather for the first two days
 and then it turned sunny.
Luke, Rowan and me on the beach- Alan took the picture.

 We went to the Tate to see the Patrick Heron exhibition
 and to St Just to see Kurt Jackson's paintings.
Always lovely to spend time in Barbara Hepworth's studio and garden.
 The Cornish walls are gloriously clad in lichen and thrift.
 The sky was blue and so was the sea.
Coming in or going out, the sea is always interesting and there is always something to gaze at. Big sigh! Wonderful holiday - content to come home and see Autumn has arrived.