Monday 10 September 2018

What an amazing exhibition!

Phew! What an amazing week! We were overwhelmed by the number of visitors at Crafts Alive at Rodmarton Manor. I ache all over and shall sleep most of the week. If you follow this blog you know I am a tired-all-the-time person because of the M.E. I had in my forties. So my husband and my dear friend Rosemary supported and covered my stewarding when I needed a break. I popped home for a nap when I was there all day. Only being 15 mins away I could do that.
 The Glos Guild members and organisers worked their socks off to achieve this amazing event and thanks to them we had aprox 700 visitors per day. Less Thurs more Sun. Unfortunately I couldn't take pictures inside the house because they don't allow it. So here are the wonderful gardens and some of the sculpture trail.
 This little bronze owl was probably my favourite but the deer were also wonderful.See previous blog post. (Made by Caroline Bartlett)
 Dahlias in the walled kitchen garden.
 A little back door behind which I had my demonstration table.
 Peek out from one of those windows. Alice in Wonderland gaze.
My table set up yesterday to show visitors how the work starts - in my sketchbooks- and evolves, samples to handle and a piece in progress.
It was so busy yesterday! Over the week I talked to hundreds of visitors - what a lovely lot of appreciative people you were too. I was thoroughly overwhelmed by the kind comments, fans and long term followers of my work. Thank you all so much. I sold 6 framed pictures and the little Autumn sketchbook, 105 photocards ( could have sold many more but didn't have the stock) and 12 handmade cards. All the work I made for the exhibition-that-didn't-happen at Newark Park in the Spring sold. I still have my favourite little sparrow so he can go to the gallery when Alan and I recover our wits and energy. More another day.


  1. congratulations (((Louise))) and thanks for sharing, have a good rest this week, you deserve it!

  2. it sounds like an amazing experience all around, for both you and those who were able to see your art ... thank you for sharing it with us

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! What a wonderful outcome for you. It was lovely to meet you again and see your lovely work.

    How I wish I could have seen your Sunday table all set up - and especially your sketchbooks. As an enthusiastic sketchbooker myself, I’m always interested to see other people’s and all the preliminary work that is done.
