Tuesday 18 September 2018

Hedges and edges.

I started this piece in March and have just finished it. It is called Hedge and Edges and is about the fields and green lanes near here. An aerial view, or bird's eye view of the layout of the fields. The hedges are bare but beginning to green up. The trees seen from above came from some rubber tree stamps my husband rescued from his office when the landscape designers went digital. I have used them before ( the winter quilt has a large one in the centre.) It is a winter turning into Spring piece and the trees and hedges are twiggy and quite 3d -will take some more photos to try and show that. It is all hand stitched on linen and stretched on a frame to keep the fabric taut. I love these lanes and fields, they are imprinted on my minds eye. The red running stitch is the footpath.


  1. love this mapping of the textures and colours of your beautiful corner of the world

  2. I loved this when I saw part of it in your post in March and had not forgotten it. The quality of the stitch is beautiful and I love the changes of direction and those two lines of red running stitch. They are a master stroke!

    1. Thank you, your interest and praise kept me going to finish it.
