Wednesday 8 August 2018

Rodmarton Manor 2.

 Yesterday we picked up the brochures for Crafts Alive at Rodmarton Manor. Today we are taking them into Tetbury to distribute about the town. Other members will be doing the same in the county.
 The manor has beautifully decorated drain pipes. Here is a monkey and my interpretation.
 I am making a few cards but it is slow progress.

Perhaps it is the weather! This pied wagtail because I watched a pair by Lake Coniston on holiday, bobbing and weaving on the edge of the water.


  1. Both house and exhibition look most inviting. We will certainly try to come. Hope all goes well.

  2. Thanks- framed work is mostly pictures I would have shown at Newark Park in the Spring when it was cancelled so all done and ready to go. just making a few cards now. Perhaps might see you- I am there Thurs, Sat and Sun.
