Thursday 8 March 2018

More news and new work.

 News update  about the postponed exhibition - there was a burst pipe inside as well as water from the roof. The damage is extensive on the tudor side of the house but the exhibition room is untouched. However to get to that room on the top floor you have to get through the house which remains closed at the moment. The National Trust are hoping to open the grounds and tea room as soon as possible. They are still assessing the damage to the house and it remains closed until further notice. We were due to put up the exhibition on Monday and all the damage because of the thaw happened on the Sunday, the day before, so thank you kind folks but no damage to our work. Terrible thing for the house, the National Trust and all the wonderful workers and volunteers there. We wish you all the best in this very trying time. Will keep you posted kind readers, thanks for all your good wishes.

 Meanwhile I have been finishing sedimentary layers for the Transformations exhibition in April at the Bristol Guild.
And I started a new piece on Tuesday for that exhibition. I took a picture of it yesterday in the sunshine as I worked on it. I liked the shadows so much I have put in more tufted stitching to retain that texture. This piece is based on a local footpath that is ancient and seen years of traveling. It is layers of textures again like the rock strata. Time passing is the big theme here. This footpath was completely blocked by drifts of snow. Even with all the thawing I didn't get along it on Tuesday- still piles of snow.


  1. love the way your abstracted textures sing

  2. Thanks Mo, it is cheering to start some new work.
