Saturday 3 March 2018

Snow and exhibition preparations.

 My pictures arrived back from the framer before the big snow.

 I made some cards for the show and then
the beast from the East and storm Emma hit. Large quantities of snow arrived with drifts so in our country lanes no one is going anywhere. But we are snug and warm, plenty of food and firewood so just hunkering down and waiting for the thaw.
I have been totally distracted bird watching from my window, we put out boards on the snow this morning with seed and it is lovely to watch who comes. This female pheasant on the wall is well camouflaged and the colours are beautiful, it would make a lovely embroidery. The last time we had snow like this ( and with such low temperatures) was in Dec 1981 when my son was born. The village was cut off for a couple of days then. It seems unlikely that we will get to Newark Park on Monday to put up the exhibition as planned. Not really important, keeping everyone safe and warm is the important thing.


  1. Good luck with the show Louise, it's all looking fabulous!

  2. Thanks Mo - snow is thawing so hope to get it up soon.

  3. Good luck withe your exhibition, Louise. Your work looks lovely. I hope to visit if weather allows. The snow and the enforced incarceration at home has been a great help to me in getting my work ready for our exhibition!

    1. Thanks all of us having been working very hard but all on hold now as exhibition postponed.
