Friday 5 January 2018

Winter quilt

 You may remember this winter quilt of bare branches and tiny patches with running stitches, well I am working to finish it now for the exhibition.
 There is now a swan in the top left
and a heron in the bottom right corner. In my mind I have the Gerald Manley Hopkins words ringing,
'o let them be left, wildness and wet, Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet.'
They are written on the wall at Slimbridge Wetland Centre and I associate Winter with trips bird watching to see the Bewick swans and other wild birds that fly in.
I am also trying to do a little mark making each day- working on a little book.


  1. love your explorations of the textures of winter and your birds fly!

  2. That tree ... memorable indeed, and aspirational

    1. This is a piece I keep picking up and add stitches to. A slow burner!
