Wednesday 6 December 2017

Leaves underfoot - finished!

 This piece finished at last! It seems like a long time because I have made other things between.( 24 x 30 cm)
 The photograph, taken at Newark Park on our Autumn visit, that I worked from.
And these are some of the sedimentary samples mounted onto pages for a book or a beginning at least. It always feels good to make a little progress especially when the days are short and cold. The bird cafe is very busy outside my window and that is good company when I am stitching.


  1. The sedimentary samples fascinate me ... and I especially like the latest addition on the right

    1. It is good to experiment thanks for the encouragement.

  2. the feather holds such gentle magic in your leaf cloth and love the abstraction in your sedimentary layers

    1. Feathers are a little bit of magic, a calling card, presence, and a loss too. In this case it says magic is underfoot. Wanting to work on the sedimentary layers but must finish the seasons work first. Also want to start my pennant! Too many ideas never enough energy! Thanks as always for your comments and encouragement- it keeps me going.
