Friday 27 October 2017

Autumn book finished!

This has been a good week for finishing things. If only I could keep that momentum! It has been a quiet week so I have been able to get on and make decisions and make progress. Sometimes other stuff gets in the way. That other stuff is normal life! We need some publicity shots for the exhibition in March and that helps to concentrate the mind on what is going to be shown.


  1. A delight indeed Such glorious colours!

  2. Your book looks so interesting and colourful. I wish you the very best of luck for publication day.

    1. No publication but it will be part of an exhibition next Spring. Thanks for everyones comments.

  3. OH my!!! This is so beautiful!! I could hold it in my hands and look/feel for hours! Came over from Mo's place and so glad I did. Inspiring place here.
