Monday 21 August 2017

Summer rain and water.

 My sister has been visiting and we have had some days out to our local haunts. First to Woodchester Mansion where we walked down the hidden valley into the park where no human habitation can be seen. We saw the dark clouds coming and ran to the boat house porch for shelter. Amazingly the door was open and we stayed dry inside while the heavens opened.
 It was a magical 10 - 15 minutes inside the cobwebbed boat house with water below us and in front and pouring down outside. (We would have been soaked to the skin outside, it was a lovely sunny day and no one brought a mac.) Then the sun came out again and we had tea outside the glorious gothic unfinished mansion.
On Saturday we went to Slimbridge Wildlife and Wetlands and hired a canoe for an hour. My sister in front, my husband at the back steering, paddling and taking the photos,
me in the middle. Magical again  with the wind in the reeds and being at duck level on the water. Do not get the impression I am adventurous, brave and intrepid, the water is only 1 metre deep! I still loved it. I will keep those moments and memories as treasure.