Saturday 8 July 2017

Puffin in progress.

 I decided to start again on my puffin embroidery as the first try was not working out. Not enough thought at the outset and I didn't want the padding. So after more drawing in my sketchbook
I decided to embroider the page on fabric. That is really what I want to record- our marvelous day on Skomer. So I cut out 2 rectangles of calico the size of my double page, painted the top layer with white acrylic paint to stiffen it and make it easier to draw on and tacked the 2 layers together. I have begun with the face side view to get to know the exact markings and colouring.


  1. puffins evoke such a sense of wonder & joy, it would be amazing to meet one in real life!

    1. They are so endearing. Their eye creases make them look slightly worried. Love your moon embroidery Mo.

  2. Such a beautiful drawing, you've really captured that beautiful puffin. Know what you mean about the eye creases.
