Sunday 25 June 2017

The day we went to Skomer.

 This is Skomer- a small island nature reserve off Pembrokeshire, South-West Wales. Last Sunday, in glorious sunshine we had an unforgettable day out.
 Plenty of puffins with beaks of sand eels to feed their young.
 Nesting in burrows on the beautiful flower covered cliffs.
 Perfect blue sea and sky.
 Guillemots and razorbills in colonies on the cliffs.
 The manx shearwaters come in at night and are heavily predated on by the gulls- also having chicks to feed.
It is just a short boat trip in the Dale princess but visitor numbers are strictly limited and you have to queue early in the morning to get tickets.An amazing experience and the highlight of our holiday.
My holiday finds, including a discarded puffin beak ( bottom left) they lose these after the breeding season is over.

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