Wednesday 19 April 2017

First swallow of Spring.

 Back to stitching after the holidays. on a walk, I thought I saw my first swallow. So a bit of a change round. These pieces develop slowly as the story unfolds.
My mother-in-law, who lives 20 miles west of London, had apple blossom like confetti all over her lawn. (Her garden is always about 2 weeks ahead of ours.) Ours as you can see is still in bud. It won't be long. I started to put the petals in detached chain or lazy daisy stitch in the gap between.
P.S. If you didn't catch the BBC4 documentary Into the Wind with Tim Dee 12.4.17.  on a quest to capture the sound of the wind, I heartily recommend it. Inspirational, calming, slow t.v.

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