Friday 15 July 2016

Green grasses and butterflies in the Cotswolds.

Across the fields and down the lane clouds of meadow brown butterflies. Our neighbours, the farmers haven't been able to get the hay in, in all their fields because it has been so wet, consequently the grasses and wild flowers are plentiful.
I have been thinking about my M.E. which I had in my mid thirties and how wonderful it is now to have the internet if you are confined to bed or the house. You can look at blogs all around the world of people and see their stitching. So if you can't get out you can still feel in touch and do a bit of armchair traveling. I love to see the American and Canadian stitchers landscape that influence them ( see my favourite blogs) so that is why I have included a few of my local landscapes. It would have cheered me when I felt like my body was full of aches, pain and tiredness to still feel in touch with the world.

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