Wednesday 15 June 2016

While I was stitching...............

 While I have been busy stitching and finishing work the meadow grasses have been growing. So yesterday, despite the drizzle, I took my favourite walk up the lane and across the fields.
 I have been reading Meadowland by John Lewis-Stempel. He writes about his fields in Herefordshire. These are my neighbour's fields in Gloucestershire.
 They have managed to cut this one before the rain came. The path makes a magic, dark green seam or stitch mark.
 The green lane is almost a tunnel edged with cow parsley.
This little fellow was on the path but mum was nearby I could hear her scolding. I think it is a great tit fledgling ? I hope it found its way back up to safety. Back in my studio I am clearing my desk before beginning the next batch of work.

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