Thursday 2 June 2016

Found feathers- like surprise gifts.

In October last year we had a workshop at Newark Park to get us thinking about the exhibition and start the ideas rolling. Carla led the workshop and had us picking up things in the garden and then making sculptures with wire and thread to bind etc. We had to throw dice for further words of instructions. For example you might get weave, wrap, distort, stitch, add fabric etc. The bottom right was from that first workshop. The moss has dried but it is as made in October. The bone feather and shell one I made a few weeks later and the top one I remade yesterday with a fresh leaf from Newark Park collected on Sunday. I like the blue feather against the yellow. I hope to put them with my work in the Green Room because they are so different to my stitched work but talk the same story- a found feather, like a surprise gift. All three feathers are peacock feathers.

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