Wednesday 1 December 2021

Nov perpetual nature Journal

November in my perptual journal. Autumn leaves and lots of birds!


Tuesday 16 November 2021

work in progress

Just a few pictures of work in progress for next year exhibition at Quennington Sculpture Trail in June.


Tuesday 2 November 2021

Perpetual Nature Journal October

Hello everyone, here are my perpetual journal pages for October. This morning was the first frost of the year and it is interesting to look back and  see my recoerds of when the first frost came over these last few years. Oct 27 in 2019. sept 28th in 20202 and Nov 2nd in 2021. With the clocks going back and now some a chill to the air it does feel that winter is on its way but just now we are enjoying the wonderful colours of Autumn.


Monday 18 October 2021

stitching in circles 2

Stitch diagrams and instructions on how to make the needle case. It might be easier to read here than on Instagram.


Sunday 17 October 2021

Stitching in Circles


To go with my Instagram workshop here are a few more ideas for stitching in circles.

Monday 4 October 2021

Nature Journal for September

September 2021 Perpetual Journal.
Now in the third year some of the pages are beginning to fill nicely and the record of what I have spotted and drawn each week so interesting to look back on. I enjoy turning a new page to see what happened in the last few years. I would recommend anyone to do it, your drawing improves immensely and your knowledge of nature too. Find Lara Gastinger on Instagram and follow her, it is her idea of a botannical perpetual diary. I  have just got back from a holiday in Devon and am looking forward to working on October pages. I am also starting a holiday journal. Find me on Instagram louisemaywatson for daily updates.


Thursday 16 September 2021

Textile Art .

These are some of the pieces that sold at the Rodmarton Crafts Alive exhibition last week. It was so sucessful, a glorious five days to meet thousands of visitors and such a wonderful setting in the beautiful Arts and Crafts Cotswolds Manor house. There was so much to see on all three floors of the house and outside in the wonderful gardens. 70 Craftspeople took part and there were talks, demos, workshops and live performances. Well done Glos Guild of Craftsmen for staging such a celebration of Craft. I met so many lovely people, all so supportive and admiring the work. I am having a quiet week this week to come back down to earth! If you missed it you can go to the gallery at Chapel Arts in Cheltenham, open Weds to Sat 10 -4,  to see amazing craft for sale all year round.


Saturday 4 September 2021

Perpetual Journal July and August.

I am behind with my blog posts because it has been all go and full steam ahead for the exhibition at Rodmarton Manor Sept 8th - 12th. So here are a few pages from July and August from my perpetual journal. On Friday 10th I will be in the demo tent with my journals for all to see. Tickets for the show can be booked on the Glos Guild website. They will be timed tickets so there won't be a crush in the house. My work is in the dining room. I hope to be there every morning from 10 -1. ( except Friday as said ) Come and say Hello!


Monday 2 August 2021

wildflowers as inspiration

 Some small pieces I am working on, inspiration from my journal. Ladies bedstraw top right, Great Knapweed still to be stitched bottom right. I will be at Chapel Arts, Cheltenham at the Glos Guild Gallery on Thurs Aug 12th with my journals if you want to pop in and see them in person. 11-3.

Sunday 4 July 2021

June Perpetual Journal

June's pages, starting with the cover of the first book- Jan- June and finishing with the second book July- Dec.So many wild flowers now to record, June and July are wonderful explosions of colour. Still some room on the pages for next years drawings. I am learning so many new flower names it is wonderful.


Wednesday 16 June 2021

May Perpetual Nature Journal

Rather late but here are my May pages in my perpetual journal. everything now in full glory and so much to record but May this year was cold and everything late. That is the fascination of keeping a nature journal to record and compare observations from year to year.