Thursday 16 September 2021

Textile Art .

These are some of the pieces that sold at the Rodmarton Crafts Alive exhibition last week. It was so sucessful, a glorious five days to meet thousands of visitors and such a wonderful setting in the beautiful Arts and Crafts Cotswolds Manor house. There was so much to see on all three floors of the house and outside in the wonderful gardens. 70 Craftspeople took part and there were talks, demos, workshops and live performances. Well done Glos Guild of Craftsmen for staging such a celebration of Craft. I met so many lovely people, all so supportive and admiring the work. I am having a quiet week this week to come back down to earth! If you missed it you can go to the gallery at Chapel Arts in Cheltenham, open Weds to Sat 10 -4,  to see amazing craft for sale all year round.


Saturday 4 September 2021

Perpetual Journal July and August.

I am behind with my blog posts because it has been all go and full steam ahead for the exhibition at Rodmarton Manor Sept 8th - 12th. So here are a few pages from July and August from my perpetual journal. On Friday 10th I will be in the demo tent with my journals for all to see. Tickets for the show can be booked on the Glos Guild website. They will be timed tickets so there won't be a crush in the house. My work is in the dining room. I hope to be there every morning from 10 -1. ( except Friday as said ) Come and say Hello!