Wednesday 11 November 2020

Oak tree embroideries.

I thought I would talk to you about my latest work. In the summer Radio 4 had readings from The Oak Papers by James Canton. I loved them and sent for the book which I adored. It is about the solace that being close to Nature- in this case an ancient oak tree - can bring to mind and body. I knew what he meant and understood it. It is also full of the facts, history and myths around the oak tree and how important it has been in this country.
I sought out a few of our local oaks and have been observing, drawing and spending time with them. One especially, an oak tree in -The Enormous Field - an earlier set of embroideries which you could find here following the labels at the bottom. So I have made a start on this new set of work about oak trees. I have been posting them on Instagram as I work them so you can watch them develop.
The idea is that they will be shown at Fresh Air Sculpture at Quennington, Near Cirencester next June when hopefully the pandemic will be behind us and life will have returned to a new normal. Meanwhile I just keep on stitching and that sustains me. Keep safe everyone and take the image of the acorn with you. As James Canton says it is a great symbol of Hope.

Sunday 1 November 2020

October Perpetual Nature Journal.

Here are my October pages. Mostly leaves, nuts and berries. Perhaps not so many entries as some months but it will fill up over the years, if I can keep on with it. I love doing it and can see my drawing improving over the last few years. Well that sounds conceited but seeing that improvement spurs me on. National Lockdown has just been announced so there may be more time for drawing but we have stayed quietly at home anyway. Enjoy this Autummn colour it has been glorious.

Little Dunnock - ever present in the garden and a real joy to watch ferreting around in the leaf litter.