Wednesday 22 April 2020

artists book - butterflies.

 So life goes on in lock down. We are allowed a daily walk for exercise and I have been looking out for wildlife as usual and working in my journal. I have decided to make a little concertina book of butterflies as I spot them. Tortoiseshell above, large white below- please forgive my shadow!

 This is abeginning- butterfly with foodplant - well you can't have one without the other so nurture those weeds and nettles! This is a 6 inch meditation square I am working on too.

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Daily walks in the Cotswolds.

 In these strange times I find I am not keeping my blog uptodate so this morning early before it is needed I am doing a little entry with a few pictures from our daily walks for permitted exercise. We are lucky. We can walk out the door and into the fields and lanes.
 The weather has been glorious and the verges are sprouting with foliage and wild flowers. There are butterflies and birds to identify. The soaring song of the lark is one of my favourites.
 This is an old stone barn. Most around here have been converted into homes so one of the few left. I do hope it has some barn owls nesting inside.

 Below - a surprise to find some tulipsflowering in the lanes. These must have been planted, perhaps a memorial site. Keep safe and well everyone and love to you all who regularly follow me. I am still stitching and there are regular updates on my Instagram account. louisemaywatson. You don't have to join or have an account to look at it.

Wednesday 1 April 2020

March Perpetual journal.

 Here are the March pages from my perpetual journal. What a strange time it has been for us all. The last picture is a collar dove, a symbol for me of peace and gentleness. Leaving you with that then. Take care all.