Thursday 23 January 2020

Winter cloth - meditation and slow stitch.

This piece, that I have named winter cloth, is the next in series from the cycle of the seasons cloth. I have stopped work on that until the spring comes and I can consider spring colours. So this is slow, quiet stitching enjoying the textures created by the rippling effect of the quilting on silk. There is winter sunshine and bare twigs and branches.I think all hand stitching is slow stitching but these repetitions are calming.Not that the design has come easily, it never does, but the stitching itself is soothing.

Thursday 16 January 2020


 January- a time of dark,cold and illnesses. Been feeling tired all the time and aching in all my muscles. Just a time to take comfort in small things. Tea in your favourite mug, spring bulbs beginning to emerge and a little bit of stitching.
 At Westonbirt Aboretum the witch hazel is in flower and while we were looking at it, a tiny goldcrest came and flitted in and out- too quick for my camera but a real pleasure.
 We hit the jackpot at the bird hide at Westonbirt too. They had just been fed and there were dozens of small birds, a woodpecker and this jay. All you get is reflections in the photos but this gives you an idea. My colourful mittens featured in the top left reflection!
 We have been enjoying Alans Christmas present a wildlife camera - triggered by movement. Here is a fox.
Not sure if this will work on blogger but worth a try. Just keep your spirits up for a little longer and spring will be here.

Wednesday 8 January 2020

New work at The Glos Guild of Craftsmen.

These pieces are now at The Guild at 51 in Cheltenham. I am starting some new work tentatively, will see what happens!

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Dec perpetual journal.

 Happy New Year to you all! Wishing you a happy, healthy, creative and safe 2020. These are my Dec journal pages. Today I am opening Volume One again to add to last years January pages, which is very exciting. The weather is dull and grey but I am hoping for some stitching time and drawing time ahead. Wishing for some better news from Australia in the days ahead, wish you could have some rain. Keep safe. Love to all.