Friday 26 August 2016

Dandelion clock.

Hot and humid the seeds drift in the air - dandelion clock.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Artists books- covers finished.

The two concertinas book covers finished.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Seeds on the wind.

Seed heads with water colour and wax resist - trying to catch the movement and vitality - new seed carried on the wind.

Friday 19 August 2016

Thistledown tassel and book cover.

The first of the concertina book covers (7x9cm) Cow Parsley seed head with the book tie and tassel based on a Thistle seed head. Button hole stitch on the tassel head sorely tried my eye sight even with my very good glasses. Ho Hum- we grow old- I shall wear my trousers rolled! (  A nod to T.S.Eliot there but I have really been thinking of Charles Causley this week after the marvelous radio programe- A Sea Shanty for C.C.)

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Maple keys.

 Sketchbook page.
Drawing on fabric.
After a walk at Westonbirt- some Maple keys to add to the seed pod collection. I started to stitch into paper for that papery quality but even several layers glued together wouldn't take the amount of hole piercing I want with my stitches so I am working on thin silk over painted calico - now I can stitch into these, trying to keep that free, sketchy feeling.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Rose-hip and seed pods ( whilst listening to Radio 4.)

I have been working on these pages and listening to Radio 4. Funny how when you stitch something and listen to the radio, when you pick up the piece again you remember the story or programme - like it's left an imprint in the brain. On the left top side I was listening to David Hockney talking about making portraits- he can still stand up for 6 hours a day to paint, he is energized by his project. The bottom half on the left I was listening to a programme about dance which made me think about how these seeds have to dance in the wind to spread their seed- that gave me the idea to make the rose-hip dance with movement. ( Both great programmes) So this page has the calm, static poppy head and the energetic rose-hip and thistledown.

Friday 12 August 2016

The enormous field.

 The enormous field has been cut. To me it looked like a desert.

However in the margins -lots of interesting seed pods. These are fluffy thistle pods that look like fur or feathers. I took home some interesting finds to draw. A small journey on foot.

Thursday 11 August 2016

a new little concertina book

More work on seed pods and a new little book begun.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Distracted by seed pods.

Love-in -the -mist seed heads and Welsh poppy heads have been gifts to shake into the garden. I am entranced by their construction, fragility and beauty fit for purpose. Although high summer the nights and mornings are cooler reminding us Autumn is on its way. So these papery brown seed pods are both the end and the beginning of new life.

Monday 8 August 2016

Looking out - Slimbridge Wildlife and Wetland Centre.

 Looking out from the hide on South lake yesterday- 9 cranes counted in the background. My camera good but not at that distance so again you may just have to take my word for it!
Looking in- this goose more interested in human watching through the glass.
Heron posing for the cameras right in front of the glass.

Friday 5 August 2016

Cushion Calamint.

Wild flowers of the ridge-common toadflax, field scabious, rosebay willowherb, field bindweed, bladder campion, yarrow, groundsel, common birds-foot-trefoil, pineapple weed, knapweed, agrimony, thistle and cushion calamint. This last one I was pleased to identify I have never quite worked out what it was, muddling it with others. It is clinopodium vulgare, wild basil and the leaves smell minty when crushed. A perfect name with these lovely cushions with flowers and spiky calyx that look like pins - perfect flower for an embroiderer then!

Monday 1 August 2016

Miniature Vegetable Plot.

This picture is for Carolyn who is making a miniature garden for her dolls house. ( In real life we have a super abundance of courgettes that quickly turn into small marrows as top right hand corner.)