Wednesday 31 December 2014

This week has been so cold and the frost so thick it's been a delight to feed the birds early and then sit and watch then ....trying to draw.....but much more practice needed. We love Slimbridge WWT this time of year too. Very lucky to see a water rail close up on the 21st. The Bewick swans are always a delight and easy to identify- mute swans orange beak, Bewick -yellow beaks.Christmas card envelopes turned inside out.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Drawing in

 A small experiment. Running stitch on the theme of waves or breath. Flat........
 Drawn up....... it creates pleats and folds..............
Painted .......... and the dye runs into the folds.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Finished sea box.

 The box is finished. It will contain the tiny concertina sketchbook. It has a gentle wave on the top, a sunny day, tide coming in on a sandy beach, kind of wave........
Last night and this morning was so windy. Time to think about storm waves. I got out the paints.

Friday 5 December 2014

Box in progress

Work is never far from my mind but some weeks not much stitching is achieved. This is not a bad thing because the beauty of this craft is its slow contemplation. I am working on the box top for my tiny sea sketchbook. Leaves from the Arboretum in the background to remind me of the glorious sunshine and walk last Sunday. I meant to paint them straight away........but never mind they are beautiful as they are....... best to concentrate on one theme at a time..............